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Object Saturn
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URL s2023-07-24_16-16_ir_tba.png
Observer Trevor Barry
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Comments: Imaged Saturn July 24th covering 3 hr 21 min of Saturn rotation target a very early transit of the long lived –55 red spot. Seeing was fair to good and have exceptionally interesting data over the first 25 min but then had a major problem with my filter wheel followed immediately by a cloud interruption and lost 1 hr 20 min of imaging time. Agustin, I bring your attention to an amazing structure developing below the ring shadow in the Southern hemisphere. A prominent compact bright spot is resolved in IR and R data at approx Lat-18.5 L3 137.6 immediately below this spot is a v-bright linear feature at approx Lat-24.7 extending in longitude from L3 140.2 to L3 116.3. I have 2 685nm IR data sets which I have animated that well show this structure. Due to the lost time a 685nm IR animation covering the full 3 hr 21 min looked strange and seemed pointless so I have included an animation prior to my problem with another using the later data. Also have a R channel animation from the later data which is also interesting insofar as it resolves a diffuse spot on the edge of the NPR. Detail resolved by latitude. A diffuse spot on the edge of the NPR at approx Lat+64.1 L3 268.1 (R data) A compact bright spot below the ring shadow at approx Lat-18.5 L3 137.6 (IR and R data) A v-bright linear feature immediately below the previously mentioned spot at approx Lat-24.7 extending from L3 140.2 to L3 116.3 (IR and R data) A compact bright spot below the ring shadow at approx Lat-18.5 L3 230.8 (IR and R data) Many bright spots are resolved across the SEB and I have mark one at approx Lat-31.6 L3 219.9 (R data) A bright spot on the Southern edge of the SEB at approx Lat-34.3 L3 113.2 (IR data) The long lived red spot at approx Lat-55.2 L3 127.3 (IR and R data) A diffuse spot at approx Lat-52.4 L3 143.5 (IR data)

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Observation 1
Feature(s) N/A
Filter(s) ir
Date 2023-07-24 16:16:00
Julian day 2460150.177777778
System I 344.64755°
System II N/A
System III 195.4381°
Illumination 99.9%
Phase angle 3.4000000953674316°
Solar longitude 38.7°
Eq. diameter 18.52″
Derotation 0.0 min